Wolves are back in Switzerland

17,000 pairs of big eyes. 17,000 pairs of big ears. 17,000 sets of big teeth. With thousands of wolves now roaming continental Europe, Little Red Riding Hood better watch out.

After years of persecution and hunting, the European wolf population is on the rise. Packs have been roaming the Carpathian and Balkan regions, in countries including Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Albania and Serbia, for some years now. Paying little heed to land borders, they are now expanding their territory into countries that haven’t been home to wolves for years.

After years of persecution and hunting, the European wolf population is on the rise. Packs have been roaming the Carpathian and Balkan regions, in countries including Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Albania and Serbia, for some years now. Paying little heed to land borders, they are now expanding their territory into countries that haven’t been home to wolves for years.

In Switzerland the last wolf had been killed at the end of the 19th century. But a few years back a pack crossed into the French-Italian Alps, and are fanning out in Switzerland. There are now four wolf packs in the country, according to the Swiss Wolf Group, and that number is likely to grow. They have been spotted several times in the Zurich region.

Source: World Economic Forum:

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