Fruit harmful for Dogs

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Here’s a link to a great article we came across recently regarding some types of food that are definitely harmful for your dog. It’s common for people to share snippets of human food with their pet dog, especially when they are sat with you or in front of you flashing a cute face that is hard to turn away from.

But take heed, not all snacks that we might share with our pets is good for them.
Here are a few extra guidelines on the topic penned by the staff at Please point your friends and family in their direction also for some great content and advice on pet care.

Human Food for Fido: Can Dogs Eat Fruit?

It’s no secret that dogs love human food. And, as long as you don’t mind a little begging, it is okay to slip them the occasional treat.

But, if you have a tendency to share your food with fido, it is a good idea to make sure what you are giving them is actually safe.

Dogs’ systems are very different from the human system, which means some foods that we eat without a problem are enough to make our dogs sick. And some can even be deadly.

Luckily, when it comes to fruit, there aren’t many items that pose that kind of danger, but that doesn’t mean all fruit is safe. Here are all the fruits your dog can and can’t have.

Fruits That Are Not Safe for Your Dog to Eat
Of all the different categories of human food, the fruit group poses the least risk for our canine friends, but there are still three types of produce you should make sure to keep out of your dog’s reach.

pic 1 grapesWhile most fruits are unlikely to cause serious illness in your dog, grapes are an exception. Many dogs have developed severe kidney failure after eating grapes, and some have even died. It is best to keep grapes and raisins out of reach at all times.

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
Grapes, by far, are the most dangerous fruit for dogs. Whether fresh off the vine or dried into raisins, this fruit can cause kidney damage and even death. The exact reason grapes cause toxicity in dogs is still not known. In fact, there have been just as many cases of dogs eating large quantities of grapes without any issue as there are cases of dogs eating only a few grapes and getting very sick.

To be safe, don’t let your dog eat any grapes or raisins. If they do get a hold of some of this dangerous fruit, watch them carefully for changes in behavior or other symptoms such as lethargy, increased thirst or urination, and loss of appetite. If they show any of these signs, it is best to get them to a vet right away.

Can Dogs Eat Avocados?
While humans love this strange vegetable-like fruit, most of the animal kingdom can’t consume them without risking illness or death.

Avocado leaves, pits, and skins have high amounts of a toxin called persin. While present in lower quantities, persin can also be found inside the smooth flesh of the fruit. Humans are very good at processing this particular toxin, so eating avocados, even in great amounts, doesn’t cause us any problems for us. But for other animals, especially birds and, to a lesser extent, dogs, this fruit can cause weakness and fluid accumulation around the heart and lungs.

While it is very rare for dogs to experience persin toxicity (in fact, there is an entire line of dog food that adds avocado oil to their kibble), it is still a good idea to be cautious with this food. Even if the persin doesn’t cause problems, the large pit could easily cause choking or obstruction if ingested.

Read the full Article here:

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